Analog Man Single Artwork

Written by Nick Bastian and Andy Allen (SOCAN)
RELEASE DATE: August 26, 2024
FORMAT : Rock, Alt Rock
LABEL: Esoteric Panda
ISRC: QZTAU2454915

Exploring the Disconnect in a Digital World

Analog Man delves deep into the human experience in the age of digital overload. The song captures the growing dissonance between our innate need for physical, human connection and the increasingly virtual world we inhabit. In a society where screens often replace face-to-face interaction, Downie Street Collective asks a poignant question: What is lost when we trade touch for taps and what is gained when we do the opposite?

Themes of Physicality vs. Virtual Reality

Through poignant lyrics and an evocative melody, Analog Man paints a picture of a yearning for the return to the tactile, the tangible and the real. Analog Man taps into the universal longing for the days when connections were made with handshakes, hugs and handwritten letters—not just likes, swipes, and emojis.

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